Our Story

The original Family Manx Magazine was launched in July 2007 in answer to an unfulfilled need to have a central place that parents and carers could find out about the clubs, groups, drop-ins, events and services that are running for families and children on the Isle of Man. Many companies and groups on the island relied, very much, on word of mouth and although this is and was very effective on the island, it can be a bit tricky when trying to find out specific things regarding groups and services that the island has to offer. I had talked extensively with parents on the island through research that I did when I was starting up the magazine and the one thing that seemed to be true was that there was no ‘one place’ where people could go to find out what there was for families.

In January 2007 I moved from London where these types of magazines are thriving. They give people a place where they can receive regular updates on the goings-on in their area and where advertisers can reach a fairly target audience.

The ethos of the magazine has always been simple. It is here to provide an easily accessible resource for mums, dads, grandparents, childminders, nannies and all who care for children on the Island.

Another issue that parents expressed to me was for a magazine that was local; interesting to read and gave information and advice (or rather guidance) on aspects of childcare and family life. Family Manx and the ideas behind it were enthusiastically awaited and received a very positive response from readers when it launched.

As time went on – and my son grew older – the magazine evolved into one for parents of older children …but then more happened and so

‘My Time – Isle of Man’ was launched (in November 2013). I turned 50 in 2014 and I realised that there was a further need; a need for a magazine that would cater to older adults – giving them a place where clubs and classes could be listed. ‘My Time – Isle of Man’ was for the Over 50’s and the magazine took off with oodles of listings. Along with this, and in February 2015, Fit-Health – Isle of Man – was launched. This too was a bi-monthly magazine and it was there for those of us who were looking for more of a magazine to cater for those wishing to look at their fitness, health and wellbeing.

All three magazine tootled along for a while, but with the need to finance all three magazines, I found it very difficult to keep them all going as separate entities. The idea was enthusiastically received by readers and many advertisers (some of whom very kindly supported all 3 magazines with their ads) but in the end, after a few agonising discussions with my other (and more sensible) half, I gave in to the idea of having a single magazine, and once again this proved to be a very happily received move. All of my advertisers (without whom this magazine would NOT SURVIVE) were delighted as their ‘audiences’ were becoming larger with a wider readership, but also the distribution was calmer as there weren’t 3 different magazines to choose from for each reader.

And so, ‘Family Manx Magazine’ and ‘My Time – Isle of Man’ exist as one magazine – with a ‘Fit-Health’ Central Page Supplement. With enough advertisers we try to keep it at a minimum of 20 pages, and as the magazine itself evolves we hope to give you, the readership, exactly what you want.

The articles are written by experts in their fields and all are happily received. I have run surveys to see what people like about the magazines and have received some wonderful feedback – all of which has been taken into account and/or fed back to relevant parties. Its lovely to know that in the, nearly, 10 years since I started this magazine – it’s pages are still enthusiastically read and received whenever it is published …which is bi-monthly as follows: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; May/June; July/Aug; Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec each year.


7500 16, 20 or 24-page Magazines are now being distributed through the following outlets - but if you were unable to get a copy – you can download the magazine HERE

If you can think of a place where the magazine would "go down" well, just let me know.

Family Manx Magazine will grow and change as time moves on and I am ALWAYS happy to receive comments and constructive criticism on ideas and thoughts you may have.

Please feel free to contact me on editor@familymanx.co.im or 07624 225577